Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Introducing Melony's Finds

Hi! Melony here. :)

First off, I'd like to welcome you all to my blog *drum roll* Melony's Finds!

This blog is going to be about.......... okay, let's be honest here, I'm not sure what it's gonna be mainly about.. but I just wanted to start blogging.

Why suddenly the urge to step into blog world? Well... I guess I could say the reason is because make-up and beauty related-stuff. Lately I've been kinda getting into makeup.. spending wayyyyyy too much time on the internet watching beauty tutorials on Youtube and reading reviews from different blogs.

Soo... I thought, since my summer break just started, why not start writing a blog myself? When I was thinking of a name for the blog, I thought I should stick to "beauty-related" names, since my plan was to blog about/review cosmetics. But at the same time, I didn't want to limit myself to just beauty because 1) my makeup collection isn't that big, 2) I don't frequently buy makeup (boyfriend and parent, maybe I'll blog about it in a later post.. *winks* hehe) and 3) I think I keep on constantly finding new interests; hence, the name Melony's Finds.

I want this blog to branch out with me as I find new things to share with you all and (hopefully) you'll find them interesting and exciting too. :)

There's nothing certain about what's going to be on this blog, but the first posts would most probably be reviews on all of the products in my (teeny, tiny) makeup collection. :)

Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself! Where should I start? Hmm.. well.. I was born in Hong Kong in 1992, which means I am 21 years old. Although I was born in HK, I never actually lived there because my family had immigrated to another land since I was a little baby. That mystical land far, far away from my homeland is.. Thailand, aka. Land of Smiles. So technically I was over-exaggerating when I said far, far away from my homeland (Hong Kong and Thailand are only a 2-and-a-half-hours plane flight away from each other :P).

I'm currently a college junior (well, I'll be a senior after this summer break) in Thailand, majoring in Information Systems (it's like a hybrid of business administration and computer science, I guess..). I love learning new languages and playing musical instruments (I play the piano, guitar, and ukulele). But I'm not an expert at playing any of them *Sigh*. Nonetheless, I dream to have a room full of all types of instruments in my house, and I'll call it 'The Music Room' (epic, isn't it?).

I think I should stop here before it gets toooo long. hehehe

Please feel free to leave comments and check back frequently. Thanks for reading!
Until next post!



PS. Can anyone tell me what do you call people from Hong Kong? Hong Konger, Hongkies, HongKongese, HongKongian? Anyone? Please?:S

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